Students in the MOPAR Program at SJC

Mopar Career Automotive Program (MCAP)

将您对汽车的热情转化为太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的Mopar职业汽车计划. 你可以在两年内成为一名在克莱斯勒系列汽车上工作的汽车技师. 你还将在克莱斯勒经销店完成带薪实习,这样你就可以获得实际经验. 了解我们的学位和证书课程的选择今天!  

Why Enroll in the Mopar CAP Program?

Do you love the Chrysler brand? 你想和从道奇卡车到吉普切诺基的汽车打交道吗? 然后通过摩帕职业汽车计划(MCAP)培训成为一名汽车技师。.

Mopar是“克莱斯勒汽车零部件公司”的缩写,由“Motor”和“Parts”两个词组合而成." So with the MCAP program, 您将亲身体验一些世界上最可靠和最热门的汽车. 通过完成该计划,您将能够成为mopar认证的技术人员. Through your courses you will:

  • 使用最新的克莱斯勒汽车、零部件和指导材料.
  • Practice using high-tech diagnostic equipment.
  • 了解如何修理和更换克莱斯勒的零件和车辆.
  • 在克莱斯勒、道奇或吉普经销店实习,获得更多培训.


Partnership with Chrysler

SJC很荣幸成为全国100所Mopar CAP学校之一. 由于我们的指定,你将使用最新的克莱斯勒车辆和工具进行培训. 您将获得诊断工具和维修的第一手经验. With our two-year program, 你一毕业就会有开始职业生涯所需的技能和专业知识.

Degree and Certificate Program Options

At SJC, 您可以获得Mopar职业汽车计划应用科学副学士学位或Mopar职业汽车计划证书. Choose the program that best fits your needs.

The Mopar CAP AAS 是一个为期两年的学位课程,您将学习成为mopar认证技术员所需的工具和技能. 你还将学习其他大学水平的课程,为你提供全面的教育. With your degree, 你可以转到四年制的学校去获得汽车领域的学士学位. 你也会更适合经销服务写手这样的工作.

The Mopar CAP Certificate 是一个为期两年的计划,重点是帮助你获得技能,成为一名mopar认证的技术员. 你将得到在克莱斯勒经销店开始汽车技师职业生涯所需的培训. 

Get Paid While Learning

作为克莱斯勒汽车培训的一部分, you will intern at participating Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep dealerships. 您将获得实际维修程序的经验,并了解经销商服务操作. 此外,你将按小时计酬,并根据你的表现获得加薪.

为了获得实习机会,你需要与赞助经销商达成协议. With the MCAP Agreement, 你将在克莱斯勒、道奇或吉普经销店完成为期两年的实习. 你将按小时支付工资,你将自己支付学费和书本费.


Affordable Mopar CAP Training

Take advantage of SJC's low tuition rates with our Mopar Career Automotive Program. In addition, 因为你在项目期间会有实习工作, 你也会赚到钱来支付你的项目费用. 你甚至有资格获得学位,通过免学费 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.


Mopar CAP AAS学位和证书课程由克莱斯勒公司提供支持. 你们将接受使用克莱斯勒汽车和技术的指导. 在课程的前八周,你将在SJC的汽车工厂学习. In the second eight weeks of the program, 你将在当地一家经批准的克莱斯勒汽车修理厂工作.


  • Intro to Mopar CAP
  • Electrical Systems
  • Brake Systems
  • Steering and Suspension
  • Engines and Related Systems
  • Heating & Air Conditioning
  • Manual Trans/Transaxles
  • Automatic Trans/Transaxles
  • Fuel and Emission Systems

You will also learn important skills such as:

  • Customer service
  • Job search skills
  • On-the-job safety
  • Team cooperation

通过你的课程,你将有资格获得重要的汽车技师安全认证. They include:

  • ASE Certification
  • NC3 Certifications
  • S/P2 Certification

If you are studying for the Mopar CAP AAS, 你将参加额外的SJC课程,使你成为一个全面发展的学生. They include:

  • A communications course
  • A mathematics course
  • First-Year Seminar
  • Introduction to Business
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Survey of Physics and Lab

Curriculum for Mopar CAP AAS

Curriculum for Mopar CAP Certificate

Careers and Outcomes

Mopar CAP项目的毕业生需求量很大. 由于退休和缺乏训练有素的员工,有许多空缺职位.

我们的大多数学生成为经过mopar认证的技师,在克莱斯勒品牌的汽车上工作. Other job opportunities include:

  • Automotive parts salesperson
  • Automotive salesperson
  • Service writer at dealerships
  • Small business owner

Graduates find jobs at:

  • Automotive dealers
  • Automotive parts facilities
  • City, county, and state maintenance facilities
  • Construction companies
  • Oil field service
  • Private automotive repair facilities
  • Quick service facilities
  • Tire and general repair shops

Employers of SJC graduates include:

  • Advantage Dodge
  • Garcia Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Espanola
  • Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Albuquerque
  • Lithia Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Santa Fe
  • Melloy Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
  • Melloy Dodge Ram Fiat
  • Morehart Murphy Regional Auto Center

Mopar CAP Accreditation Information

SJC的Mopar职业汽车项目获得了美国汽车行业协会的认可 ASE Education Foundation. ASE教育基金会根据汽车服务行业制定的标准对入门级汽车技术教育项目进行评估和认证. 它还为学生发展职业准备教育, which fuse local partnerships, rigorous standard-based education, workplace experience, and mentorship together.

Next Steps

你必须首先向太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站申请参加莫帕职业汽车项目. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

Apply Now

Along with your SJC application, 你必须完成并提交你的申请到莫帕尔的CAP项目.

Access the Mopar CAP Application

如果你已经是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的学生, 与汽车招聘人员谈谈我们的Mopar CAP学位和证书选择.

Contact the Automotive Recruiter

Phone: (505) 566-3337

Trades and Technology
Room 2409

M-F 8 a.m - 5 p.m

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